PACS 1999 Satellite-Derived Monthly Mean Data

1 Degree Resolution Monthly Averages

Mesoscale Grid Boundaries: 20N - 40S, 115W - 60W, Brief Data Description

  Oct 99 Nov 99
Cloud Optical Depth X X
Particle Size (um) X X
Droplet Radius (um) X X
Cloud Fraction (%) X X
Ice Water Path (g/m^2) X X
Liquid Water Path (g/m^2) X X
Cloud Height (km) X X

Monthly Averaged Domain at 1445Z, 1775Z, and 2075Z

  Cloud Fraction Optical Depth Particle Size Droplet Radius IWP LWP Cloud Height
  1445 1775 2075 1445 1775 2075 1445 1775 2075 1445 1775 2075 1445 1775 2075 1445 1775 2075 1445 1775 2075
Oct99 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Nov99 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

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This page last updated on November 4, 2002.