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Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program

Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program

Journal or Book Articles

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2010 , 2009


Minnis, P., S. Sun-Mack,M. Thieman,H. Yi,J. Ayers,R. Brown,X. Dong,S. Gibson,P. W. Heck,B. Lin,M. L. Nordeen,L. Nguyen,R. Palikonda,W. L. Smith,D. A. Spangenberg,Q. Trepte, and B. Xi 2010: CERES Edition-2 cloud property retrievals using TRMM VIRS and Terra and Aqua MODIS data, Part II: Examples of average results and comparisons with other data.. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2011.2144602, in press..

Zheng, X., P. Minnis,B. Albrecht, J. Ayers, and H. Jonson 2010: Observed aerosol and liquid water path relationships in marine stratocumulus. Submitted to Geophys. Res. Lett. .

Wood, R., P. Minnis,C. S. Bretherton, C. R. Mechoso, R. A. Weller, B. Huebert, F. Straneo, B. Albrecht, H. Coe, G. Allen, G. Vaughan, P. Daum, C. Fairall, D. Chand, L. Gallardo Klenner, R. Garreaud, C. Grados Quispe, D. S. Covert, T. S. Bates, R. Krejci, L. M. Russell, S. deSzoeke, A. Brewer, S. E. Yuter, A. Chaigneau, T. Toniazzo, R. Palikonda,S. J. Abel, W. Brown, S. Williams, J. Fochesatto, and J. Brioude 2010: "The VAMOS Ocean-Cloud-Atmosphere-Land Study Regional Exeperiment (VOCALS-Rex): Goals, platforms, and field operations" CHSuser, 11, doi:10.5194/acp-11-627-2011, 627-654


Chang, F., P. Minnis,B. Lin,M. Thieman,R. Palikonda, and D. A. Spangenberg 2009: A modified method for inferring upper cloud top height using the GOES-12 imager 10.7- and 13.3-µm data. J. Geophys. Res., 115, D06208, doi:10.1029/2009JD012304.

Conferences and Meetings

Proceedings / Oral Presentations

Spangenberg, D. A., P. Minnis,F. Chang,M. Thieman,J. Ayers,K. Bedka, and R. Palikonda 2009: Update on NASA-Langley satellite cloud and radiation products for the ARM community ARM Cloud Modeling Working Group Meeting, Boulder, CO. Presenter: Douglas Spangenberg.




The Altus II unmanned robot plane can circle for up to 24 hours over wildfires, beaming images and data back to computers via satellite. Originally introduced as part of the Environmental Research and Sensor Technology (ERAST) Program, Altus II can map dozens of fires in a day with no risk to a pilot.

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